With a wide range of options we have a solution for almost any business. Indyhost.net specializes in four core proven solutions for businesses. Take a look at the following options and see which ones work for you.

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secure gateway

secure gateway pay

Secure Gateway

(Virtual Terminal)

A protected web interface for use by employees in an office or business environment provided by a single workstation capable of running transactions for multiple merchant accounts.

public payments

public pay

Public Payments

(Online Form)

Public-facing website that is branded and customized to meet your specific business requirements and that provides customers an easy to use method for making payments.

point of sale

retail pos

Retail Point of Sale


Full featured, entirely cloud/web based Point of Sale for retail stores. Supports multiple payment options including credit card, gift card, cash, check, EBT.

food and beverage pos

food and beverage

Retail Food and Beverage

(Customized POS)

Point of sale interface custom modified to suit quick service restaurants and coffee shops. Designed with ease of use in mind for both your employees and your customers.